Dienstag, 26. August 2014

Simple USB home night light for less than 50 cent

Some of us have to get up during the night for several reasons. If you don’t want to awake your housemates / roomies or if you don’t want to get blinded by the bright light, you will need to use a dimmed soft light.

If you own a USB power supply at home, here’s a very very simple solution to get quick and dirty a dimmed night light for less than 50 Cent.

You just need three things:

1 x (or more) white or coloured LED
1 x 100 Ohm resistor (please check the neccesary resistor for other Colors)
1 x stripboard - 9 to 4.5 dots (lengt depends on the number of LEDs)

The stripboard is a little bit too thin to fit fine into the USB socket so you have to apply some solder onto the + and - strips. Now just solder the 100 Ohm resistor and one or multiple LED onto the board. Keep in mind of the correct polarity and don’t forget to cut the + trace between the resistor Pins.



If you want to use a power supply with an angled USB connector, you must solder the LED(s) in reversed position otherwise you will illuminate the wall. J


Frank’s Craft Shack