If you own a USB power supply at home, here’s a very very simple solution to get quick and dirty a dimmed night light for less than 50 Cent.
You just need three things:
1 x (or more) white or coloured LED
1 x 100 Ohm resistor (please check the neccesary resistor for other Colors)
1 x stripboard - 9 to 4.5 dots (lengt depends on the number of LEDs)
The stripboard is a little bit too thin to fit fine into the
USB socket so you have to apply some solder onto the + and - strips. Now just solder
the 100 Ohm resistor and one or multiple LED onto the board. Keep in mind of
the correct polarity and don’t forget to cut the + trace between the resistor
If you want to use a power supply with an angled USB
connector, you must solder the LED(s) in reversed position otherwise you will
illuminate the wall. J
Frank’s Craft Shack